Singing, theater, performance, dance, circus… this is Lisa Tatin’s background, initially trained in contemporary dance and circus, then in singing at the HEMU Lausanne/Fribourg where she obtained her Bachelor’s degree, then her Master’s degree at the ZHdK in Zürich in the class of L. M. Åkerlund.
Her eclectic career has made her a singer recognized for her multiple vocal facets and her taste for research. She has been heard in numerous Mozart roles (Serpetta, Blondchen, Despina) as well as in the opera buffa repertoire (Ernestine, Adele, Serpina, Livietta).

For several years she has been involved in contemporary
creation and in the research for alternative lyrical forms.
She has collaborated with the artist Julie Beauvais for the
creation of Sunbathing In My Tears, (solo performance in
movement, baroque and contemporary music at the
Ferme Asile in Sion), with Leo Dick (creation Davos Festival), Aleksander Gabrys (creation Gare du Nord in Basel), Antigone EXP n°2 in the role of Antigone with the Cie Agora and the ensemble LUX :NM (Lausanne, Basel, Berlin).

In 2016 she founded Schoß Company, a platform for contemporary theatre research at the border between music and multimedia arts, co-directed by Simona Gallo (video light designer). In 2019 they created MY:RNINEREST, then in 2021 LAB_21, mon corps n’obéit plus (performance for soprano and live electronics) in collaboration with composer André Décosterd and author Yoann Thommerel, and J’ai plié ma langue for voice and multiple drums in collaboration with poet Laura Vazquez.

2022 marks her debut at the Zurich Opera in a creation by Stefan Wirth, Girl with a Pearl Earring.
Lisa Tatin is a laureate of the Migros Culture Percentage 2014/15, won 1st prize in the Contemporary Music Competition (ZHdK) 2015 and is a finalist in the Nicati Competition 2017. She will soon be heard in the creation Le Livre de Job by Caroline Charrière with the OCF (Fribourg, St Maurice) and will be in creation with Schoß Company for EXPÉ_lingua 2022.

Website Lisa Tatin