Image from Summoning a chorus of vilaines
© Simon Courchel

The performance explores the conditions of the monstrous and the system that produces it. What are the political and historical issues at stake at each stage of its construction?
The monster is the sum of values attached to a civilization which crushes bodies, disconsiders certain postures and ecosystems. The Romantic ballet’s villains and the animals known as pests belong to this category of unwanted, negligible beings, or those to be fought. Inspired by these creatures on the margins, the performer goes in search of a poetics of impure and horrific figures.

by Marion Zurbach / Unplush


Concept and performance Marion Zurbach
Music Zooey Agro

Outside eye Arthur Eskenazi
Costumes Silvia Romanelli

Lights and technique Nils Doucet
Production Maxine Devaud / oh la la - performing arts production
Administration CH Angie Menillo / oh la la - performing arts production
Administration FR Raphaël Soleilhavoup

Coproductions Dampfzentrale Bern, KLAP Maison pour la Danse, Festival Parallèle Marseille, BNM - Ballet National de Marseille
Partners CN D Centre National de la Danse Pantin, Tanzhaus Zürich, SOMA Marseille
Supports Kultur Stadt Bern, SWISSLOS/Kultur Kanton Bern, Pro Helvetia, Burgergemeinde Bern, Migros Engagement
