Image from POP FIASCO (work in progress)
© Sophie Berset
Image from POP FIASCO (work in progress)
© Sophie Berset

Like hundreds of thousands of other Western girls who grew up in the 2000s, my childhood and adolescence were deeply influenced by pop music. Its stars, its hits, its clips and the fashion that followed left an indelible mark on the person I became. Pop has shaped me, for better or for worse.
Loving this music while hating the industry it embodies is a balancing act I’ve been trying to get to grips with for some time now. Because pop music is a fascinating field of research for all that it carries from our collective memory and all that it tells about our society.
So how do you make pop music “wince” in the context of contemporary dance?

POP FIASCO is a solo based around a playlist of pop songs, each song a stand-alone number, like a series of burlesque clips. Between grimaces, winks at pop’s hyper-sexualized codes and precise gestures, this piece attempts to pay homage to pop music and its universe, while maintaining a critical yet generous eye.

by Délia Krayenbühl Ghielmini


Choreography, interpretation Délia Krayenbühl
Artistic collaboration Emma Saba
Outside eye Mélanie Gobet
Production and diffusion Yamina Pilli / oh la la - performing arts production
Administration Angie Menillo / oh la la - performing arts production
