For this third edition, a distribution programme has been put in place so that the artists can forge links beyond Fribourg and reach out to the whole of French-speaking Switzerland.
This third edition continues to support emerging artists, while strengthening the focus on distribution, a major challenge for contemporary creation. By forging a special link with Valais, through the Fais comme chez toi festival, Weekend Prolongé is giving two projects from Fribourg the opportunity to be performed in Valais, and welcoming two Valaisan artists to Fribourg.
Julien Jacquérioz, director of the Théâtre les Halles - Sierre and godfather of this third edition, will also be supporting this link.
A round-table discussion on the issue of well-being at work in the performing arts, organised by Arts Sainement, will also help to raise awareness of this important subject among the artists.

by Weekend Prolongé


Artists Djemi Pittet, Philippe Annoni, César Singy, Anouk Werro, Noé Menuau, Yann Hermenjat, Sarah Eltschinger, Antonie Oberson, Lucile Pochon, Délia Krayenbühl, Jeanne Gumy, Anaïs Kauer, Camille Piller, Emeric Cheseaux, Alexandre Ghandour
Godfather Julien Jacquérioz

Team Weekend Prolongé
Artistic direction Groupe Sauvage (Sarah Eltschinger, Yann Hermenjat, Yann Philipona)
Production Maxine Devaud & Emilien Rossier / oh la la - performing arts production
Production assistant Angie Mennillo / oh la la - performing arts production
Technical direction Antoine Mozer
Box Office Yamina Pilli / oh la la - performing arts production
Communication Pauline Mayor

Supports État de Fribourg, Agglomération de Fribourg, Loterie Romande, bluefactory, Ville de Fribourg
