Timéa Lador, born in Geneva in 2001, began contemporary dance at the Atelier Danse Manon Hotte. At the age of 11, she joined the pre-professional company Cie Virevolte. There she had the chance to work with Gilles Jobin and Cindy Van Acker for the Bâtie festival in 2013. She then took classes at the Imprimerie - Ecole de danse de Genève before training at the CFPA - Centre de Formation Professionnelle Art in contemporary dance. There, she obtained a maturité professionnel and a CFC specializing in interpretive dance in 2019. She will be working with choreographer Edouard Hue on the piece Identity. She then studied with Etienne Cakpo in the dance department at the University of Washington in Seattle. She then trained at La Manufacture - Haute Ecole des Arts de la Scène, where she created her Bachelor solo Parade. Timéa graduated from La Manufacture in June 2023.
She performs in the opera Die Walkyrie directed by Romeo Castelluci and choreographed by Cindy Van Acker at the Opéra de la Monnaie in Brussels in February 2024. She choreographed and danced in the piece Daises Decline in Sion, Fribourg and Geneva as part of festivals for emerging artists.

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