I felt the urgency not to be at the center, but to be at the service of something greater than myself.

I said: “decentralize the figure of the performer on stage”.

So I imagined Bolero de Bienvenida, a ritual-space where I could be a performer-shaman, welcoming into my body the space that surrounds me and what disappears before my eyes.

They say that when someone dies, it’s the sound of their voice that’s forgotten first.

by Lorena Stadelmann aka Baby Volcano


Direction, Performance, Set design, Costumes, Sound Design Lorena Stadelmann aka Baby Volcano
Lights Justine Bouillet
Sound Stéphane Murugan
Dramaturgy Adina Secretan
Production and diffusion Emilien Rossier / oh la la - performing arts production
Administration Angie Menillo / oh la la - performing arts production
Coproductions Théâtre Sévelin 36, L’Abri-Genève, Centre Chorégraphique du Luxembourg TROIS C-L, PREMIO - Prix d’encouragement pour les arts de la scène